Unfortunately, I know there are some white people who use the word with impunity. I’m not addressing those people here cuz they don’t give a damn what black people think or feel anyway. This is mostly for those white folk (and it’s been brought to my attention, Japanese folk as well) who just aren’t sure whether or not it’s cool to use it occasionally…since black people use it whenever they see fit.
I recently met a Scottish fella, while on a day trip to Kobe Japan, who felt so emboldened by my approachability that he asked me why couldn’t he and members of his persuasion use it.
And the day had started out so well. Kobe is kickass! Here’s Why
Check out the latest Black Eye Here
Perhaps comically is the best way to approach this issue of whether white people should use the N-word…Chris Rock has some hilarious things to say on the matter.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the piece. Please share it with your peeps!
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