1-Check out the video Here!
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And spread the word far and wide: Japan is nothing to be afraid of!
2- The Definitive Icebreaker
Well, we’re one week into the campaign now and more than 50% (pushing 60%) of the goal has been reached! YAY!
So what’s this all about?
First off, this isn’t a charity, and it isn’t a fantasy. This is a mission. Think of it as an exercise of will, if you will. An invitation to be a part of something exciting!
I’m not promising rainbows and unicorns here. But anyone who has read my work knows that this book, once translated, is CERTAINLY going to unlock some minds and open some hearts.
Not all, for sure, but definitely some.
I know this because, even in English, my work already has!
You know what I see? I see the finished product. I see this translated and localized work as something you might even keep with you when you’re out and about, like a social accessory, the definitive icebreaker, like a handbook almost, something you can hand to your Japanese friends, lovers, colleagues, hell, new acquaintances, and say, “You know what? I like you! Here, check this out! And, when you’re done, let’s have a talk about it!”
And the conversation that follows, THAT conversation will be the BEST convo, the most REAL convo, you’ve ever had with them, and they with you! Bonds will strengthen and genuine understanding will bloom.
I see japanese readers picking up this book at their local bookstore, reading it and there being a national, “Holy S__t, I had no effing idea!” moment, replete with laughs and tears and head scratches and a shift in the collective consciousness. Something approaching genuine empathy. A real starting point. A recognition of a commonality that reaches beyond race and nationality, to the essential, at a level heretofore rarely seen.
They’ll be dying to talk to non-Japanese about it. There WILL be a national conversation about this subject matter, and that conversation WILL be fruitful to all involved.
That’s what I envision.
Call me a dreamer if you like, but I can see it! And I’m sure some of you can or would like to see it, as well. And here we are, this close to getting this thing underway! In fact, all we needs is an, er, KICKSTART, and it’s off to the races!
Maybe I’m wrong…but maybe I’m right, you know? I think it’s worth a few bucks to find out. Bucks that will garner you reward packages like these:
So, c’mon, skip a disposable pleasure just this once, that vendi starbucks, that takoyaki, those station brews, that trip to the IMAX to see that guy with the Star-Spangled Shield… they’ll still be there. Put those bucks into backing something that could potentially impact the status quo here in a positive way forever!
Let people know– including that cynic inside– that you give a s__t. That apathy, complacency and syougannai haven’t incapacitated you.
Cuz that’s the ultimate reward package! Eff what you heard.
And you know I’ll continue to do my part. Hell, that’s who I am. Who I’ve always been. Fail or Succeed, I’m gonna keep on keeping on. I ain’t never been afraid to put in the work, nor use my creative energy for an unpopular cause that makes some people uncomfortable, nor put my livelihood and reputation on the line for something I believe is important, nor have I ever been afraid to take the hits from haters.
And I’ll continue to choose my battles wisely and confront adversity head on. Cuz to me, that’s what winning is about!
But THIS backing part? This part is up to you, ladies and gents. You’re calling this shot. Not them others. You alone decide whether this project gets funded or not. Don’t convince yourself that other people are gonna support it so you don’t have to, cuz if one too many people do that, you already know what’s gonna happen: it’s gonna wind up under-supported.
(And KICKSTARTER is All or Nothing, meaning you either reach the goal minimally or the campaign receives $0!!)
The place is here.
The time is now.
This pitch is done…