The latest #BlackEye is up! Shared some thoughts on the recent election…
Here’s an excerpt:
“Are you sure she’s going to win?” my Japanese co-worker seated beside me asked.
I leaned over and glanced at her computer screen.
I saw what had upset her. Texas’ results had just come in, and Trump had sprinted further ahead in what must have appeared to her as a feverish uncontested dash for the magic 270 Electoral College votes needed to clinch the presidency.
“Texas always goes red,” I said, looking at that Lone Star State, red as the blood of James Byrd, a black man who’d been lynched there back in ’98, chained and dragged behind a pickup truck driven by white supremacists. Can’t ever think of Texas without thinking of James.
“Texas is George Bush country. I don’t even think Clinton’s an option on their ballots. Relax.”
To read the rest of this article, visit the Japan Times page HERE