Just wanted to take a moment out to wish all of you happy holidays and a healthy, prosperous New Year!
Your boy Loco has had a lot on his plate for the past couple of years so content on this blog has taken a hit.
But this year I’m going to re-integrate LIY into my routine, so you can expect a significant uptick in posts in the coming year. I’ll be doing this as much for you guys who’ve been patient as I am to keep my fingers active and my mind focused, but hopefully it’ll result in the type of output you’ve come to expect from LIY and then some. There’s a little rust on this end so please bear with me til I regain my bearings. I’ll make it worth your while!
So, what’s coming up? Well, 2016 has been a rough year, grave and grinding. Loss so many good people. And consequently I felt little inspiration, and my productivity dropped a lot (the creative spirit just wasn’t there). But 2017 finds me optimistic with a number of projects underway, and several should see fruition in this coming year.
Highlights Including:
1- The upcoming Japanese version of “Hi! My Name is Loco …”
2- The upcoming work-in-progress “Winning Abroad”
3- My first fiction novel “Comeuppance in Brooklyn”
4- The third (and perhaps final) book in the “Loco” trilogy, yet to be named, but replete with original material.
5- An increased number of public appearances, readings and workshops (hibernation is over – time to step out of the mancave again).
I’m not gonna elaborate on these projects just now. Time to stop talking them up, and get them done. So, stay tuned, and thanks for your support.
I’ll endeavor, as always, to earn it.
Peace and Love,
PS: Now, I gotta get back to my Hoppin’ John!
Peas are clean and been soaking since yesterday…and they ain’t gonna cook themselves.