***Look Below English for Japanese Version ***
Dear Friends:
So as you probably know by now, Fuji-TV has, at least for now, joined our team, the #stopblackfacejapan #日本でブラックフェイスやめて team…and it’s a beautiful thing. But, while I’m sure our petition and voices played a part in this decision, I really can’t say definitively we were the deciding factor. Fuji-TV, the program’s sponsor Shionogi, Rats & Star, and Momoiro Clover Z (I believe the unwitting victims in this foolishness) were literally besieged by unhappy people. And each had their own agenda…so what power plays went on behind the scene in addition to our 5000 voices is a mystery (I’d like more info before I go giving any of the other parties involved any credit for coming to their senses…maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, maybe they were shoved to their senses…)
However, the result remains, “Music Fair” has aired, and the show was thirty minutes of blackface-less minstrel-free entertainment, the adverse of what was advertised, and consistent with our demands and efforts.
To me that’s a VICTORY!
So, for the time being, let’s take our victory lap together…cuz WE DID IT!!
What’s next, you ask? Well, now that I can exhale I was thinking about tackling…my bed!
Not before I give thanks to a few people because aside from the 5000 petitioners, there are others who I’ve worked with to make this thing happen…so please allow me to shout them out.
There’s Amber Richardson who was there from the very moment of conception and physically sent the petitions to Fuji-TV. And there’s Breon Curry and his wife Asuka! Their initial translation help was invaluable. They were the ones who together made the Japanese version of the petition so naturally beautiful. Hikosaemon (who also did a video in Japanese on this issue as well as interviewed me on it on his youtube channel) and Miki Hayashi rounded out the translation all-star team!
Then there was the work of spreading the word, and we got lucky a number of times in that area. Lucky that Hiroko Tabuchi, Jake Adelstein and Peter Barakan, three names that carry a lot of weight among Japanese and non-Japanese here and abroad, are conscientious people and cared about this issue. And of course lucky that platforms like Change.org are available where anyone can start a petition…for free! There were others and I’ll thank them directly, but I had to get a few in here.
The point being, this was a collective, international effort and I couldn’t be prouder to have been a part of it!
On a personal note, though I’ve been involved in community and social activism my entire life (even actively participating in boycotts and demonstrations when I was a child) this is the first time I’ve spearheaded any activism. So thank you guys for helping to make my first time relatively painless. I’m sure it won’t always be this way. It has been my experience that activism fails way more than it succeeds, and that the key is to snatch as much positivity as you can from the jaws of defeat to keep yourself motivated enough to venture into this hapless arena again and again. So I really was prepared to do just that, and it REALLY is a pleasant surprise that I don’t have to.
We have been tried and have emerged triumphant!
Activism, despite how implausible success might look at times, really can work! Of course you gotta pick your battles, but once you do, failure only occurs when you can’t be bothered to do your best.
Congratulations! And thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Let’s keep in touch!
Twitter: @locohama
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayeMcNeilAuthor
Website: www.bayemcneil.com
Email: locoham7@gmail.com
Peace & Love,
Baye McNeil
皆様ご承知のとおり、少なくとも現時点において、フジテレビは私達の仲間、つまりBlackfaceをやめて欲しいという仲間に加わったのだと理解しています。これは素晴らしいことです。ただ、私達の声が今回の結果に一定の役割を果たせたとは思っていますが、私達が決定打だったと言い切れるかどうかは難しいところではあります。フジテレビ、スポンサーの塩野義製薬、ラッツ&スター、ももいろクローバーZ(彼らは今回の愚行の中において無意識の犠牲者だと思っていますが・・・)は、文字通りBlackfaceを止めてほしい多くの人々から抗議されたと思います。そして、5000人もの多くの人々の声を目の前にしても、彼らは自らの意志を持ち、実際に舞台裏でどのような力が働いたのかはわかりません。 (私は本件の関係者の方々が、今回の問題について目覚め、冷静に考えることができたと支持させていただく前に、その経緯の詳しい情報が欲しかったと思っています。彼らは理解したのかもしれないし、してはいないのかもしれない。彼らの感覚を追いやったのかもしれませんし・・・。)
個人的にも、これまで地域や社会の活動に取り組んではきましたが(子供の頃にはボイコットやデモに参加したりもしたのです)こういった活動を先頭に立って行ったのはこれが初めてです。 ですから、今回のこの活動が比較的困難のない形になるよう助けていただき、大変ありがたく感じております。私はいつも今回のようにうまくいくわけではないことは理解しております。私の経験から、こういった活動では成功よりも失敗のほうが多いように感じます。鍵となるのは、 この不運な舞台に幾度となく勇気を持って挑むために十分なモチベーションを維持すること。そして窮地を脱するよう、可能な限り積極的な気持ちを持ち続けることだと思っています。私はただそのつもりで準備していたのですが、今回は本当にその必要が無いほど予想外の嬉しい驚きとなりました。
Congratulations! And thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Let’s keep in touch!
Twitter: @locohama
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayeMcNeilAuthor
Website: www.bayemcneil.com
Email: locoham7@gmail.com
Peace & Love,
Baye McNeil